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Iron Fortress

Long Sleeves for Gambeson Warrior

Long Sleeves for Gambeson Warrior

Regular price $27.95 USD
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Gambeson Long Sleeves are padded sleeves, that fit with the Epic Armoury Warrior Gambeson Torso, which is sold separately. These sleeves are easily attached to the Torso by using the supplied cotton cords and long-lasting brass eyelets.

Thick enough to serve as its own armor, these sturdy long gambeson sleeves are constructed with heavy layers of fluffed polyester sandwiched between layers of heavy cotton twill. All these layers are stitched together in vertical lines, keeping the padding in place and mimicking a classic European high-medieval style.

Though of European cut, gambeson or quilted-style armors have seen world-wide use since antediluvian times, making the Warrior Gambeson a great basic armour with a range of possibilities regardless of time and place.

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